Why Inner Child Work Is Important
My Inner Child mastered the fake pass out at a young age.
She did that out of self-preservation, obviously.
Being from a family of hard core water skiers who loved getting the early morning glass amongst freezing mountain lakes, I quickly learned that was the best option to ensure I didn’t get tossed into the freezing water I definitely wanted to stay out of.
I had so much fun with family, and I never wanted to miss out on any of their adventures! I wanted to see everyone bring it behind the boat, and I even wanted them to teach me a thing or two….once we were in the heat of the day and cold water actually sounded refreshing.
That fake pass out continued to serve me in my life. I used it often when I wanted to get out of something. I was a master fake sleeper. I promise you, you wouldn’t be able to tell if I was fake or real asleep.
This desire to escape might make sense to those of you who identify as being an Empath.
Sure, I got out of things I wanted to avoid with this technique, and I also missed out on a lot I would have loved to experience!
The avoidance technique may have come in handy so I didn’t have to deal with things that felt icky, but it sure didn’t help me learn how to be a healthy communicator, sharing my feelings, desires, and needs with others.
This might sound like a strange example, but the process of reconnecting with my Inner Child has really helped me to become a more honest and confident communicator. I have found that communication is really the backbone of healthy relationships, so I’ll always be grateful to my Inner Child.
Reuniting with the Inner Child inside of us is a hugely therapeutic practice. We all experienced ups and downs as children. I like to believe that our parents did the best they could with what they had. As a fully developed adult with resources, we can now choose to Re-Parent that little child, soothing their fears.
What does it look like?
It can help to find a picture of your young self, perhaps from ages 4-6.
Imagine that version of yourself is in front of you. Show them some love however that feels appropriate to you!
Ask them how they feel. What they need. What makes them the happiest?
See if they have any questions for you.
Set the intention that this line of communication stays open.
This means your Inner Child can continue to communicate with you anytime, including in your dreams.
Let your younger self know they are safe. That you are going to take care of them, and never abandon them again. Tell them exactly what they need to hear.
It’s officially now your job to soothe this little one, as if it’s your own child.
Journal It Out
It can be very helpful to journal on this topic.
One of my personal favorite exercises is to become Penpals with my Inner Child.
You can start by writing them a letter.
You can continue by writing a letter back to yourself from that younger self.
You can even write it with your non-dominant hand if that helps you get into a different headspace.
This younger you is a part of you.
We can have a tendency to reject the part of us that acts childish, falls into old ways, or is scared.
Trying to manage conflicting parts within yourself often results in Self-Sabotage.
For example, you are ready for growth, but also scared of change.
This can result in unconsciously sabotaging our goals, as the young self feels unsafe and resistant to change, so is pumping the internal metaphorical brakes.
Rather than being hard on yourself, what if you were to tune in with this younger part of you and see what it needs? What they’re scared of? And figure out how you can nurture that dear one?
Tuning in with this young innocent version of us is magical because it triggers self compassion, even for those of us with the loudest inner critic.
When Conflict Arises…
Next time you notice an internal conflict within yourself, try asking yourself what part of you is scared? And how old does that part of you feel?
Perhaps you can notice what sensations this brings up in your body, and try to remember back to the first time you ever felt that way.
Tune in or Penpal to find out how to nurture that scared part of you who is feeling insecure.
Let me know how it goes!
I am Now an Adult Who Knows How to Self-Soothe
Repeat after me.
I am now an adult who has resources.
I am capable and healthy.
I know how to Self-Soothe this scared child in me better than anyone else.
I now have the power to be the parent I always longed for.
I now choose to accept all of me.
I honor all parts of me with compassion.
I am on the path to a more secure way of living.
I am grateful for these realizations.
I’m grateful for my younger self who helps me keep it real.
Thank you.
I’m sorry I wanted you to go away before.
Please stay.
I promise to keep you safe.
I love you.
Thank you.
Join me on Insight Timer for free workshops on healing your relationship with your younger self.
With Love,
Your Soul Therapist
Dia Michelle
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