I found myself over-eating over the holidays. Not because I was hungry, or because I loved how everything tasted so much.

Am I the Only One?

Something else was driving me, and it felt more like a compulsion. I would go to the kitchen, bake up a tray of cinnamon and stevia pecans, and the next thing I knew I had eaten the whole thing! I was chatting with family, they’d eat a few, nodding politely because they’re not sweet enough for tastebuds used to sugar!

The Aftermath

Photo by Caroline Attwood on UnsplashHow do you think I felt after temporarily feeding my sweet tooth? Not great! I felt heavy, guilty, and confused! Why did I do that?
This is a classic example of what I’ll call “Unconscious Belief Autopilot.”

What Was I Actually Hungry For?

Eating an excessive amount of cinnamon pecans is not what I cognitively wanted to do. The common sense part of my brain knew it was a good idea to eat balanced meals so my digestion would stay calm, so I could think clearly, and so that my body could move about freely to participate in all the snow activities I desired to experience with my family!

So What’s the Deal?

 Why did my actions completely contradict what I knew to be good for me?
Because I am human, and my unconscious beliefs will drive my life in a sort of autopilot haze if I don’t do some digging to unearth the beliefs that are under there, driving my actions with a force that my logical mind can’t compete with.

What’s Beneath the Surface?

Photo by Sai De Silva on UnsplashThe thing is, these unconscious beliefs can be buried deeeeep under the surface, covered and obscured by shadows and distractions. They can be slippery and elusive and difficult to actually recognize and name. They have developed over a lifetime as forms of protection and short cuts, ways to keep us safe from harm.

We conjure up these beliefs when we are young children. “When I act out, I get attention. Others love me more when I take care of them. Eating more than I need brings me a shield of protection from a scary world. All I can control is my food intake.” There are countless of these beliefs that we picked up while we were children.

What Will Control Your Life?

These invisible beliefs will continue to drive us until we decide to do some intentional digging. To excavate what’s in there. So we can look at it. So it sinks in with the conscious brain. Once we look at what’s driving us, and process that information…Then and only then can we recreate a new neural pathway that aligns with our values and goals. It’s possible to have a conversation with the various parts within our being which may be digging in their heels against change. The inner child who is scared. The inner critic who uses inner dialogue to keep us safe. We can bring all parts of us into harmony, working together toward common goals, once those are agreed upon and expressed.

But How?

There are infinite options for how to accomplish this, but I adore the combination of Yoga and Writing.

Yoga brings us into the wisdom of our bodies. The body doesn’t lie. Each memory is held within those tissues. When we move our bodies, we loosen up those old sticky places. We allow for more flexibility in our bodies, but also in our minds. As we dive into the treasure trove of the body archives, we receive gifts. Messages, Clues as to what wants to be moved. What is old and no longer useful. It starts to float to the surface. So we can feel it, and breathe it into fluidity.

jan-kahanek-fVUl6kzIvLg-unsplashWriting allows us to process what was brought to the surface.

When we allow the pen to move on paper, it presents us with the truth right before our eyes. We can no longer keep our heads in the sand. The truth is right there. We read it. The cognitive mind processes.

Sharing is the final magical ingredient. The act of speaking out loud what we’ve discovered through Yoga and Writing is the final stage in getting the rational mind fully invited to the party. Sharing makes it real. Not just your little secret you can easily ignore later. Sharing gives you the sacred opportunity to be witnessed by another soul. So you can be reminded that you’re safe, and oh-so-capable of change.

The Choice is Always Yours

We have a choice. Will we continue as we’ve been going? Making the same choices that will bring us the same results? Or will we choose to create a new neural pathway? We can choose to create new rules. New beliefs. I am worthy of making good money for my excellent services. I am worthy of love that nourishes me. My body is worth taking care of. You choose. After yoga and writing, you’ll know where the gap is. Then, the choice is yours.

This is the Magical Formula I’ve discovered to Regroove our neural pathways. To shake up those old unconscious beliefs. The ones which have been driving our lives, and showing up in various forms of confusing self-sabotage.

What Change Looks Like

This is how cognitive shifts are made.

This is what the Lunar Inspiration Series is all about.

We will use the power of the moon to get clear on intentions. What it’s time to shift.

Then we’ll get to the work of shifting! Through Yoga, Writing, and Sharing, we will will ride the wave together. Treasures will be unearthed. You’ll leave with a whole new appreciation for who you really are.

Join if you can if you’re in the Boise area!

The first 3 Fridays in January, 7-8:30 pm. Hollywood Market Yoga. We will stay together after for yummy and healthy cookies and herbal tea.

Bring your favorite journal and pen.

If you’re not around here, have no fear! I can still offer other ways to help if you’re feeling stuck.

The latest thing I’m real excited to offer is called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Have you heard of it? It’s like emotional acupuncture without the needles. It’s designed to take the emotional charge out of events that are tripping you up, keeping you stuck or stunted…so you can proceed from a balanced, centered place that fits with your values and who you want to be.

Book in with me here to schedule a session.

From My Heart to Yours,

Dia Michelle

Your Soul Therapist

Therapy from the Heart and for the Soul <3

PS You really are capable. And Worthy. You know that right? Just making sure.