Welcome to Meditation Therapy!
Many people tell me that they don’t know how to meditate, but they’ve heard it would be good for them. Or, they’d love to meditate, but their mind is too busy. Or, they know they need to meditate more, but they simply don’t have the time.
Read on to discover and remember how to access your inner peace and wisdom. And, how to make it truly therapeutic.
What is meditation?
It’s simply sitting in silence, and observing your experience.
There are many types of meditation, with different techniques, goals, and language surrounding them. I am here to share with you about the basic kind of meditation I practice, and how you can access it too.
I hear that I need to empty my mind, is that true? Because that feels very unattainable.
This is a very common misconception, and while it would be super awesome to experience that, it would also be problematic with regard to actually living your earthly life, quite difficult and maybe impossible to achieve.
It’s sort of the opposite idea with how we practice meditation. Our minds are constantly thinking thoughts, right? That’s basically its main gig! So, to try to turn that off all of a sudden would be impossible and also, we need our thoughts! Turns out, they really help us manage our lives!
So instead of trying to push our thoughts away as if they’re unwanted weeds in the garden, we settle in and allow our thoughts to do their thing. Then, we witness.
You see, our thoughts are like clouds in the sky.
They’re not good or bad. They are not doing any harm. They simply are.
They float on by all the time. They are temporary. They come and they go.
You are the Sky.
You have a much larger view. A greater vantage point.
You are Vast. Steady. Expansive.
You are the Constant.
From the perspective of the sky, the clouds simply come and go, without bearing any impact on the entirety of the sky.
Meditation is remembering that we are the sky.
To sit in your sky-ness.
Breathe into your sky-ness.
To watch the clouds of your thoughts come and go, and let them be.
Knowing they are of no consequence in your life, since you’re the entire spacious sky.
This changes everything.
Our thoughts (or the events in life) don’t have the power to derail us anymore when we simply witness them as a curious outsider.
Through meditation, we discover how to keep our focus on the steadiness within us, rather than the chaos surrounding us.
In Meditation, we are realigning with the highest version of us.
And, that is the Sky.
Why should I meditate?
Meditation is good for you.
Sooooo good for you.
Have you ever tried it?
If not, try it, and then let me know how you feel after.
That is the why.
You’ll feel amazing.
There are many reasons for that!
- Meditation has been scientifically proven to REDUCE STRESS
- Need I even say more??
- Things that are stress induced: chronic pain, disease, anxiety, inflammation, sleep disturbance, irritability, gut disorders, depression, etc.
- Did I mention it keeps Anxiety under control?!
- It does! Because, it helps reduce your stress, which is the root of most problems, if you really trace it back.
- Promotes a healthy relationship with YOURSELF
- You know, that self care business. It actually matters!
- Healthy relationship with self obviously results in healthy relationships with others <3
- The list goes on and on…read the article below if you want to dive deeper.
- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-benefits-of-meditation#The-bottom-line
How do I meditate?
The first thing is to establish your space where you will meditate.
You want to make sure it is an inviting space, where you won’t be interrupted.
So clean out a corner of your house and dub it your meditation nook. Place a meditation cushion (any pillow to start) or a chair in your nook so you’re ready to experiment and find your most comfortable position.
I recommend starting off with guided meditation, rather than setting a timer, closing your eyes, and hoping for the best.
It can be really helpful to have a trusted person’s voice guiding you along as you go. This is how we re-train the brain.
If you haven’t already, check out the Insight Timer app.
There are countless meditations you can choose from to get you started.
Now Available: Practice with Me on Insight Timer!
Every Wednesday and Thursday morning at 10 AM MST I will be offering a FREE 30 minute meditation on Insight Timer, as a Live Event. You can register here.
Follow me on Insight Timer (My name on there is Dia Michelle), in order to receive notifications when my classes are, and when I’ve published a new meditation.
I have meditations posted up there as well, so you can meditate with me whenever it’s convenient for you!
Are you Sold On Meditation Yet?
If not, try it for yourself. It takes time to create a new habit, but trust me, it is worth it.
Reach out to me if you have questions. There are a million ways to meditate, and we all have different needs.
I love brainstorming and finding the perfect style of meditation for each of my clients, friends, and anyone else who wants to talk to me about it 🙂
Meditation is the way we let the Universe speak to us.
When is the last time you sat still and opened yourself up to receive the messages from the Universe?
Can you even imagine what you might receive?!
The meaning of life perhaps.
Your Soul Destiny.
Yup, you’re getting it now <3
Hope to see you for some meditation therapy on Insight Timer and beyond!
Dia Michelle
Your Soul Therapist
PS Pass this along to your new meditation buddy! The first person who popped into your mind is the one 😉
PPS If you want to schedule in for a free 30 minute consult with me, click here
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